Wednesday, February 13, 2013

25 Reasons Why You're Still Single

1.You are single because you're reading this.


2. You always ask advice from friends who has not been in a relationship yet.


3. Boy: You spend your day playing computer game.

- Girls: You spend your day inside your house and not socializing.


4. Girls: You stare blankly and smile on your crush.

- Boys: You stare and fantasize on your crush.


5. Girls: He caught you looking at him and thought you're a retarded elephant.

- Boys: She caught you looking at her and thought you're a perverted maniac.


6. Girls: You dress too long.

- Boys: You wear a dress.


7. When you talk to anybody, you're always the topic.


8. Boys: You asked a girl out for a date but always fail to pay the bill.

- Girls: You order too much on a date and always expect the guy to pay the bill.


9. Your crush saw you wearing the same t-shirt 3days in a row.


10. Boys: You still believe that you have some sort of special powers/abilities. Yes, it includes what you're thinking now!

- Girls: You still believe guys are like a knight in the shining armor.


11. Girls: You still talk to your stuffed toys about your feelings.

- Boys: You always post your feelings on Twitter or Facebook. No, don't think of deleting your post, it's too late now!


12. Girls: You have high standards - prince charming?

- Boys: You don't know what standard is. Still in question? Try Google!


13. Boys: You always think but don't act accordingly - a lot of missed opportunity.

- Girls: You always doubt - no chance given.


14. Girls: You have an imaginary boyfriend

- Boys: You have imaginary girlfriendSSSSSSS


15. Boys: You don't know how to start a conversation with a girl.

- Girls: You talk to all boys.


16. You smell your own fart.


17. The furthest travel distance you made was from your home to your school.


18. Boys: Your mom pulls out your baby picture whenever you have visitors.

- Girls: Your dad pulls out his shotgun whenever you have visitors.


19. You insist weird hand shakes like fist bump, slap slap and whatever - get lost!


20. You habitually cannot remember where did you put your toothbrush.


21. You have more than five dating website accounts.


22. You post yourself for sale on eBay - with discount.


23. You still knock on your neighbor's door with a trick or treat costume during Halloween.


24. You still pee on your bed when you sleep.


25. You are still reading this non-sense blog by Cajun Hawke.

This is my first blog in my entire life. Hopefully, somewhat, somehow, you had a nice reading experience here. There's more to come, keep in touch awesome readers!